Saturday, June 27, 2009

I Just Sit and Think Sometimes....

Very many times over the course of a day I just sit and think about how many child may be experiencing the pain and trauma of abuse at that very moment. How often do we go about our busy lives... shopping at Wel-Mart, picking up some presumably important item at the Mall, stopping at a gas station to fill up our vehicles or simply staring out the window of our apartments or houses, without ever considering just what is happening in the lives of those we pass everyday.
How many times is the absent-minded error of the person driving in front of you the direct result of a painful mental flashback which in that moment over-took the rational decsion to check their rearview mirror.
We've all seen people in our neighborhoods or along a lonely highway aimlessly wondering the streets dressed in dingy-unpopular clothes, whom we've dubbed as 'crazy'. What in the world could they possibly be thinking? Why would anyone allow themselves to sink so low and become this socially unacceptable individual that gets so many disapproving stares and judgmental comments from passerby? Are they truly crazy... or could it the result of a violation from the past that has left them so boken they Never recovered? Unless we dare to care enough to stop and ask.... we'll never know! One thing we can all be sure of though, this could not have been their deliberate destination... to be shunned, talked about, gawked at with contempt or filled with saddness and lonliness. Maybe the person I'm decribing is someone in your family... or the family member of a friend. Have you ever really taken the time to ask, "Why?" Often these behaviors and symptoms are the symptomatic effects of Child Sexual Abuse... a childhood violated and an adulthood stolen by the selfish, unconcerned, inconsiderate actions of a perpetrator who never stopped to think of the enormity of damage he/she was doing when they chose to fulfill their own lustful intents.
We are all products of our pasts... molded by our experiences, shaped by our world views. Is this what you desire for Your child? I think not! Well, our greatest weapon against Child Sexual Abuse is Prevention. We must take the time to Teach, Train and Equip our children with the confidence and skills to stand up for their Rights to "Shout No-o-o!" They are entitled to an Emotionally Healthy childhood and no one has the right to take that away. Would you allow your child to learn about fire by having them place their hand over a flame? Of course not... then why leave your child's physical, mental and emotional well-being it to chance by not teaching them to avoid sexual predators? While you are waiting for just the right time to engage them in conversation about this very important topic, some sexual predator somewhre is lurking and banking on you NOT taking the time to have prepared them for such a moment as that.
Did you know that the statistics predict that 1 out of every 3 young girls and 1 out of every 5 young boys will be sexual violated before they reach adulthood? Those numbers are Alarming!!! Personally, I believe the numbers are much higher... those stats are only based on those who actually 'TELL'. How many more lives are being silently destroyed right in front of our very eyes and we have no idea what's going on?
PLEASE Take The Time To Teach Your Children... the lives you save will be theirs!

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